Pharmacy SchoolsPharmacology

Institute of Technology: Pharmacy Ranking 2024

Institute of TechnologyRanked
in the USA
Institute of Technology is a very small for-profit college offering many disciplines along with the pharmacy major and located in Clovis, California. The college is presently offering certificates in Pharmacy Technician.

Recent studies showed that Institute of Technology area is safe; the college is reported to have an excellent rating for campus safety.

Based on 65 evaluation factors, Institute of Technology pharmacy program ranks #488 Pharmacy School (out of 638; top 80%) in USA and #49 Pharmacy School in California. Major competitors for this school are University of Southern California in Los Angeles and University of California Irvine. See the details about all twelve competitors as well as offered pharmacy majors below.

Pharmacy programs ratings 2023-2024:

Overall rating:

Curriculum rating:

Teaching rating:

Safety rating:

School ranking:

#49 Pharmacy School in California
#110 Pharmacy School in the West
#488 Pharmacy School in USA

Program rankings:

State Ranking

#30 Technician Training Program in California

Regional Ranking

#65 Technician Training Program in the West

National Ranking

#205 Technician Training Program in USA

More program rankings:

You may be interested in alternative ways to enroll Institute of Technology:
Medical Assistance Programs - ranked top 65% in USA

Contact information:

Institute of Technology
564 W Herndon
Clovis, CA 93612
Phone: (559) 297-4500

Location map:

Institute of Technology Location Map

Pharmacy majors:

One but less than two years certificate

Pharmacy Technician

Local competitors:

University of Southern California - Pharmacy School Ranking
University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA, 17 pharmacy programs

University of California Irvine - Pharmacy School Ranking
University of California Irvine

Irvine, CA, 8 pharmacy programs

Chapman University - Pharmacy School Ranking
Chapman University

Orange, CA, 4 pharmacy programs

University of the Pacific - Pharmacy School Ranking
University of the Pacific

Stockton, CA, 3 pharmacy programs

University of California San Francisco - Pharmacy School Ranking
University of California San Francisco

San Francisco, CA, 7 pharmacy programs

University of California San Diego - Pharmacy School Ranking
University of California San Diego

La Jolla, CA, 2 pharmacy programs

University of California Santa Barbara - Pharmacy School Ranking
University of California Santa Barbara

Santa Barbara, CA, 2 pharmacy programs

University of California Davis - Pharmacy School Ranking
University of California Davis

Davis, CA, 5 pharmacy programs

Loma Linda University - Pharmacy School Ranking
Loma Linda University

Loma Linda, CA, 2 pharmacy programs

Roseman University of Health Sciences - Pharmacy School Ranking
Roseman University of Health Sciences

Henderson, NV, 1 pharmacy program

Marshall B Ketchum University - Pharmacy School Ranking
Marshall B Ketchum University

Fullerton, CA, 1 pharmacy program

Western University of Health Sciences - Pharmacy School Ranking
Western University of Health Sciences

Pomona, CA, 2 pharmacy programs

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